

Vegas Strip Kings

Gutbukit Records 2019

Review By David Bowling


Vegas Strip Kings is an apt name for this band. Their approach and sound is that of an ultimate lounge act. Their energetic approach would be welcome at just about any casino lounge in America.

Guitarist/vocalist Al Eck, keyboardist/accordion player Billy Truitt, upright bassist Rob Edwards, drummer Justin Truitt, and saxophonist Jimmy Carpenter produce a simple fusion of blues and rockabilly.

Self-penned songs such as “Rotgun Run,” “Jesus On The Dash,” “Back To You,” “Life Of Me,” and “Pawnbroker” are all representative of their approach

The Vegas Strip Kings are not a laid back listening experience. They are toe tapping, vigorous, and at times, an almost out of control band. They may not be smooth but they will always get your attention.

Rating: ***